Paper Flowers

Back in 2018 I started documenting plants in my neighborhood in paper and paint. I still make new ones, but I also remake those I already have in the archive. Common wildflowers interest me the most, and in this project I have mapped out flowers from the fields just north of Amsterdam and the ones that grow between the houses and along the streets in the city. In Dutch the flowers of the sidewalk are called stopplantjes.

The spring flowers have a special role in the archive. In the early parts of the year the flowers come and go quickly. By making these flowers, the fleeting blooms of spring are held on to for a little bit longer.

Some of the flowers that grow wild, came to this area as garden plants hundreds of years ago. These kinds of plants are called stinsenplanten in Dutch. Others grow freely here in the city because they have been recently seeded.

All are made in French watercolor paper, a few have petals in Japanese paper.


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